Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Years!

Hey everyone! Happy New Years! Can you believe another year has gone by already? Time seems to go by quicker each year. And watta ya know, we didn't die! :P In your face, people who thought the world was gunna end. So Happy New Year! Make your resolutions! : )

Sunday, December 25, 2011


I know, I know; I haven't posted for a loooong time. It's been, like, two to three years, but know I'm back! I know no one follows this blog 'cuz there's nothing on it, but that will soon change.(The "nothing on it" part) I'm finally gunna get organized. That will be easier since I'm home schooled know. The events that I'll post about will be out of order and long since happened since I'm only now since posting them. But the order of events will become more in order as we reach the present. Speaking of present it's December twenty-fifth two-thousand twelve. So Merry Christmas! :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

tsk,tsk video games!

He's been playing them for quite awhile now .

Crazy Christmas

Look at my brother, partying like that, and on Crhistmas!